The Bug Club:  Entomology for kids!

10:00 am -
Greenbelt Nature Center
700 Rockland Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314

Sunday, May 6:  Learn what it takes to be an Amateur Entomologist by exploring the world of insects! The Bug Club is an educational mini-series that explores the anatomy, life-cycles and the natural history of BUGS through engaging activities, bug excursions in the Greenbelt, and live insect demos. Ages 5+. All Bug Club sessions take place at the Greenbelt Nature Center unless otherwise stated. Donations welcome.

This weeks topic is Butterflies!  Have you ever chased butterflies, collected fireflies or rolled a log to see what dwelled beneath it? Insects are the largest group of animals on earth with nearly one million different kinds. And, this first meeting will explore what makes a Bug-A-Bug!

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The Bug Club:  Entomology for kids!