Greenbelt Trailblazers: Volunteer Barbeque

7:00 pm -
Greenbelt Nature Center
700 Rockland Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314

Thursday, August 10

Calling all Greenbelt Current and Future Volunteers!

Reservations are required - Go here to reserve your spot. 

Please be our guest outoors (indoors if it rains) for a casual summertime barbeque to celebrate our volunteers and their many contributions to the Greenbelt this year.

We would also like to meet new volunteers, and unveil our revamped trail stewardship program.  So, please bring a friend along who you think would like to get involved.

Volunteering in the Greenbelt is not only a great way to get involved in your community, it’s a great way to get to know one of New York City’s largest and most beautiful parks.  We are grateful to our dedicated volunteers whose efforts make a huge difference in the Greenbelt.

As you might expect, many of our volunteer projects take place outdoors along our trails system and in natural areas.  Volunteers are also a key component at special events such as the High Rock Challenge Adventure Race in April, our fundraising events, and festivities at our Carousel for All Children in Willowbrook Park.  There are also some indoor opportunities performing clerical or docent duties available.

On this evening, we are looking forward to mingling with our volunteer corps and thanking all of you for your contributions, and to meeting new volunteers!  Come to our barbeque to find out how you can become involved in maintaining and beautifying the Greenbelt!

Please try to share a ride as parking is limited at the Greenbelt Nature Center.

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Greenbelt Trailblazers: Volunteer Barbeque