CANCELED: Greenbelt on the Go: Morning Hikes for Adults in Clove Lake Park

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Clove Lake Park
Martlings Avenue
Staten Island , NY

OUR HIKE FOR JULY 24 HAS BEEN CANCELED. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Tuesdays July 10-August 14: Join us for leisurely walk through our different parks.  Enjoy the picturesque views of each park, as we point out a few of the unique features that make that park special.  Hikes start at 10:00, the length of the hike will be determined by the pace of the group. Registration required. Call us at 718-351-3450 or email: 

Tuesday,  July 10: Greenbelt Nature Center:  meet in front of the Greenbelt Nature Center, 700 Rockland Avenue
Tuesday,  July 17:  Silver Lake Park: Meet at the entrance at Silver Lake Road and Forest Avenue
Tuesday,  July 24: CANCELED Clove Lakes Park: Meet at the Martling Avenue bridge
Tuesday,  July 31:  Wolfe’s Pond Park: Meet near  the comfort station
Tuesday, Aug 7:  Conference House Park and Beach, Saterlee Avenue and Hylan Boulevard
Tuesday,  Aug 14: Greenbelt Nature Center: Meet in front of the nature center, 700 Rockland Ave

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CANCELED: Greenbelt on the Go: Morning Hikes for Adults in Clove Lake Park