Canceled due to storm: Wednesday Afternoon Group Hikes (through May 21)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Greenbelt Nature Center
700 Rockland Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314

Wednesday Afternoon Adult guided hikes, March 21 - May 31 - Join us for one or the entire series of guided hikes will take place for adults (Ages 18+) beginning and ending at the Greenbelt Nature Center. Our staff will guide you through some of their favorite sections of the Greenbelt's extensive trail system.  We will begin and 1pm and be out for about one hours. Wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather.  Call us at 718-351-3450 or email for more details and to register. It's free!

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Canceled due to storm: Wednesday Afternoon Group Hikes (through May 21)