Evening Group Hike

10:00 am - 11:00 am
High Rock Park
200 Nevada Avenue
Staten Island, NY , 10306


Removing invasive plants allows our natural systems to flourish and prevents the loss of habitat and food sources that our native plants and wildlife depend on. Join us in this important and impactful conservation effort during one (or more) of our Work Outside Wednesday volunteer events, and help the Greenbelt Educators rid the park of these invaders! Be prepared to walk approximately 2 miles. Proper footwear required.

Please sign up for this event here if you plan to attend for this installment of Work Outside Wednesday.

Covid-19 Precautions:

-All Visitors and Staff must wear a mask during the entire event.

-Masks and Hand sanitizer will be available.

-All equipment/supplies used will be sanitized before and after the event.

-By participating in this event you are acknowledging that you and your guests have not experienced a fever, not tested positive for COVID-19, have not been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 or traveled to a restricted location within 14 days of the event. Should you develop symptoms after registration, please cancel your registration by email: sigreenbelteducation@gmail.com

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Work Outside Wednesday | Invasive Plant Species Removal