Tree Tots and Peepers: Nature Inspired Programs for Toddlers

10:00 am - 2:00 pm
g Ave. and Blackhorse Ave, Staten Island
Note that this a 2nd Saturday Workshop Meet at the intersection of Browning and Blackhorse Avenues (east end of Browning, close to the State Police antenna tower on Todt Hill). We will follow the Blue Trail north using weed wrenches to cut and uproot the alien Devil’s Walking Stick at the intersection of Todt Hill Road and Ocean Terrace (our 274th workshop). If you don’t have your own, Protectors will supply gloves, tools and refreshments. After the work session we will take a short walk over nearby trails. For more information contact Don Recklies at 718- 768-9036  Service credit is available.

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Forest Restoration Workshop with Protectors of Pine Oak Woods - A Volunteer Opportunity