Visit our parks and trail system - open every day!

9:45 am - 10:45 am
Greenbelt Nature Center
700 Rockland Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314

Saturday, May 12: Participants will be begin gathering at the Greenbelt Nature Center at 9:15 a.m. Hikers will traverse the Greenbelt in search of spring flowers and bird song. A favorite walk of Protector’s founder, Richard Buegler, the 10-Mile Hike takes participants along the Meisner Avenue Pond, Loosestrife Swamp, Heyerdahl Hill and more. Explore the Greenbelt with like-minded hikers and enjoy a day afield on Staten Island. Call Dominick Durso at 917-478-7607 or Don Recklies at 718-768-9036 for more information.

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The Richard Buegler Spring 10-Mile Walk @ Greenbelt Nature Center