Con Edison Family Science Night in the Greenbelt - Crazy about Chemistry

6:30 pm -
Greenbelt Nature Center
700 Rockland Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314


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Wednesday, October 25

Con Edison Family Science Night in the Greenbelt for October is "Crazy about Chemistry. Go here to register.   These sessions will take place once a month through August, 2018. Families (please no scout troops) are invited to gather  in the Greenbelt to explore a range of science topics and activities.  Exercises and experiments are designed for children and parents to work on together. Registration is required, and class size is limited; we will maintain a waiting list as sessions fill quickly.  Feel free to call us at 718-351-3450 if you would like more information.  Stay tuned for our upcoming session topics.

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Con Edison Family Science Night in the Greenbelt - Crazy about Chemistry